Previous projects

Here are a few of my professional projects that are currently being used (and worked on) in the real world. Many more smaller recent projects are available on my Github expressing my active interest in learning new technologies.

In this project I learned how to build a full Web Application within a 3-person team, increase productivity through implementation of Agile, and pitch it to 150+ members of the South Florida Tech community. Built with Ruby on Rails as the backend, PostgreSQL to manage database, Heroku for deployment, Github for Version control, CSS, HTML, and various libraries/gems such as animate.css for animations, omniauth-steam gem for authentication of users, in-conjunction with data parsed from the Steam API. is a gaming social networking service that provides gamers with the ability to be matched up with other gamers based on games they own on their Steam account with the ability to rate matches.

Demo Video (No Steam required)


When creating Muralr I learned how to work within a remote 3 person team within a weekend time period, develop a MVP, and present it to 100+ Wyncode students' friends & family. Muralr was developed using Ruby on Rails as the backend, PostgreSQL as the database, Bootstrap for a responsive design, HTML, and CSS.

Muralr is a civic crowdsourced mural uploading website featuring murals from the arts district in Ft. Lauderdale with basic Rails CRUD and search functionality. Idea originated from the Code4FortLauderdale, a civic software development meetup group.

Koi Asian Cuisine

Implemented design of an Asian fusion cuisine restaurant built with Adobe Muse. Learned how to communicate e ectively with clients and propose on-the-fly website designs to successfully capture the feel and decor of the business within a rough deadline.

Blue Star Veterans Network

Learned modern web design practices alongside editing web content to create the design of a Veterans tech startup eCommerce website visually appealing to retired United States veterans and their families.